I love every aspect of it from sitting and staring at a blank notebook as you try to come up with a plan, to the nitty gritty of cutting, shaping, and making part of it. I live for the filthy creative process that occurs as you work. Smearing paint on every surface remotely surrounding your canvas, including yourself. Ink-stained hands. White flecks of paint in dark hair. Charcoal smudges on skin. A disorganized stash of fabric. Craft supplies on every surface. Most importantly though, I love the emotion a finished product can create in people. The magical way you can look at a painting, or a handcrafted item and feel that warm touch in your heart. That giddy feeling that makes you say, “LOOK WHAT I FOUND!” and promptly show all your friends. That feeling of finding that perfect, one-of-a-kind gift for the special people in your life. I want to provide people with art that makes them feel, products that make them happy, and accessories that help them enhance their already beautiful souls. Be it a simple drawing that makes you smile every time you walk into the room, a painting that spoke to you, a handcrafted item, or a hand-sewn accessory, I want you to feel. I want you to be moved. I want you to embrace the beauty that you are. That is my purpose.”
“Creating is my true passion…
As a kid I enjoyed painting, crafting, and making things. I loved getting messy and making something new. In 2020 I decided to randomly try sewing, there were some projects I wanted to try making and I thought, ‘I can do that!’ So I did. I started off hand stitching things, too afraid to use a machine. Then with encouragement from my aunt and mom, I started with my mom’s machine. It was an old Singer, you know the vintage-looking ones like I have pictured above? Yeah… super finicky, super old, and definitely not ideal for a beginner. I powered through though, experimenting with rags and old scraps we had laying around. My mom was never big into sewing, other than mending things here and there, so my aunt tried to give me pointers. When I felt I had a semblance of a clue about what to do, I splurged and bought myself a machine. I had watched hours of Youtube reviews, read all the blogs, and finally decided on a Brother embroidery and sewing machine combo. So when it popped up one day as an Amazon deal, I just went for it! And I have never regretted it. It was easy to learn how to use and way, way easier to mess with than my mom’s vintage one! After that, I tried projects I found on Pinterest, things I saw on Youtube, and even stuff I made up as I went. I figured out I wasn’t great at reading and interpreting patterns, so video tutorials became my best friend. Somewhere along the way, I figured out people liked my creations enough to buy them and I am so, so grateful for that. How amazing is it that you can find something you love and turn it into a job?
I am currently using a Brother SE600. It is both a sewing and embroidery machine and I love it! It’s easy enough to catch on to but has plenty of features and stitches for a more experienced sewist also.
I am from Pennslyvania, raised in a tiny town few people have heard of. I grew up on a farm in Juniata county where I helped my parents and three brothers take care of our livestock.